As you may know, every year, I write down 8 to 12 things I want to accomplish over the next year. To be honest, they are more "goals" than "resolutions." For 2009, I had things like get a hot tub, have good vacations with family, add more music to my life, and stay connect with friends and family in Vancouver.
But the big one for me was my photography. I wanted to progress my photography and I definitely did that. Shot a wedding, launched a website, family photos, baby photos, stock photography, business cards and a new camera. And I got published! (See next post.)
I managed to achieve about 6 1/2 out of 8 in 2009.
For 2010, I am still thinking of them. Here are a few I know:
I want to spend a fun night with just me and my neices - sleepover style with lots of giggles. (something my friend Oriana did, which I loved.)
Remove the shag carpet in our...cough, cough... bathroom (Kje's too).
Keep the computer desk at home clutter free.
Take one month off work and roam around a bit.
Build my core strength so I can stop going to the Chiropractor.
If you can think of any others I can benefit from, let me know.