Sunday, September 16, 2012

1978 - Across Canada in 66 Days

In June, 1978 my family embarked on a cross Canada trip that lasted 66 days. We travelled and lived in an RV - one that would now be put in a museum as a flashback to the 70's. Flower fabric on the upholstery, lots of orange. Yep, I loved it! I know I have earlier memories as a child, but that trip hosted some my favourites.

I was looking through the old Photo Album and thought I would share of glimpse into road tripping back then.

Back then, you pet the wildlife and tents were triangular but small towns were still small towns and water looked just as inviting.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I am determined to have a cross Canada RV adventure with our family one day. This post just made me even more so :)